On Sunday the new actor to take on the role of The Doctor was revealed as Peter Capaldi, the Internet has since exploded in all manner of tribute and polarisation of opinion.
Of course I am no different and I too have opinions. Usually you'll hear the phrase "Opinions are like arseholes, everyone's got one but we don't all want to see or hear it". In this case it's my blog and ill write what I want. After all that's what blogs are all about.
Dr. Who fans are a big and diverse bunch, we have 11 past Doctors to choose from, so I you ask 10 people who their favourite is you'll likely get a dozen different answers.
Of the 'new batch' I favour Christopher Ecclestone's incarnation; he had just the right balance of humour, alien-ness, and seriousness to be 'right'. Those attributes, to my way of thinking, made home come across in a similar way to Tom Baker's incarnation.
I have to admit that I found David Tennant's gurning and facial contortions off putting. I also disliked the levels of emo and angst in his stories, but I can't blame the actor for that.
Matt Smith's Doctor was generally much more fun and I did prefer him to Tennant in the role, but he lacked the subtle menace that Ecclestone mustered, even when caught in the Pandorica and monologuing about what not to put in a trap Smith lacked any menace.
Storytelling and pacing is what's been the main let down in the series since the reboot; most episodes are self contained so the series lacks the cliff-hanger endings I'm used to from my childhood. This makes the episodes rush through what could be a wonderfully complex story leaving us as an audience feeling robbed of the thrill the show should have. It also means that each season is woefully short.
Then there's the magic wa- I mean Sonic Screw Driver. It used tone just a gadget, now it's wafted around several times an episode and used by the storyteller as a Deus-Ex-Mechanica. I suspect this is either because the writers have a huge fondness for the gadget, or can't wrap up the story son enough without alien techno-magic. What ever happened to the companions? Not enough sadly.
Yes, I said companions, plural. The show works at best when it has an ensemble cast ... A crowded TARDIS is a good TARDIS. For too long since the reboot we've had just one or two companions, bring us more travelers, more people to accompany the Doctor; comedy relief, challenging intellect, anachronism, opposing viewpoint, any /all of those tropes in the TARDIS would spice up the currently dull stories.
Please can we stop putting The Earth in danger - some of the best episodes happen elsewhere, and the show felt more - believable (as far as a 900 year old humanoid alien time traveller can be believable) when it didn't mess with exposing the whole planet (in the contemporary time) to the existence of aliens.
Anyway, that's way too much ranting about the show, I should be talking about the new guy. Peter Capaldi is a great actor, best known for aggressive roles or bad guy roles (the thick of it / Neverwhere). I hope this means a return to some simmering menace and calm alien-ness.
I also hope we see more companions joining him. There have been some corking potential companions that seem to have been discarded; Jen (The Doctor's Daughter), she could lend a military and intellectual companion to the mix; Lady Christina DeSouza (Planet of the Dead), she would lend an aristocratic, roguish element, again with intellect.
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