Monday, 1 July 2013

Is Equality really what activists want?

Increasingly in recently months there's been a lot of ... well, a lot of everything around equality: 'I need feminism because ...", the red square avatar containing the '=' symbol, assorted political debates on equality of varying types, and newspapers seemingly promoting hate.

None of these really seem to me that they have the necessary gravitas to actually drive anything towards equality.

Now, here's where it all risks going decidedly un-pc. I'm not a feminist, and I don't want to be one. Ever. I'm prefectly happy being who and what I am.

Allow me to explain.

I don't think people should label themselves and risk isolating themselves because they choose to label themselve as some subset of humanity. We're all people, can't we leave it at that and be equal?
Apparently not.
If I offer my seat to a woman on the train I'm a male chauvenist pig, if I open a door and hold it open for a woman to pass through ahead of, or behind me, I'm a misogynist and degrading women.
There I Was thinking I was being nice.

So a little research, some ballbusting comments from 'feminist' 'friends' later and I've come to the conclusion that the stereotypical man-hating feminist of media portrayal isn't actually too far from the truth.

Let's delve a little deper, and look at some example situations that don't revolve around me:
A large number of 'I need feminism because...' pictures have circulated around the 'net. Of the ones I've seen only a fraction make a good point other are like this:

Actually this is the most bluntly NOT feminist one i've seen, and has been countered by this one


So, those two counterpoint each other nicely, what about the others ... well, fortunately there's a tumblr just for these pictures:
So here's a couple of gems:
".. because I Still hold gender biases and I don't want to"
Nothiong to do with feminism - just to do with that guy's own prejudices that he wants to blame on society ... other people .. anyone but himself
".. because I am more then the sum of my parts"
It's a nice pithy statement, that anyone could apply. It has nothing to do with equality.
".. because being black does not negate my womanhood"
Nor does being a woman negate your being black, but you just labelled yourself in to two groups. You're a human, a person, don't isolate yourself in persecution of what someone else might say to or about you.
".. because basic rights have no gender"
Sir, you are doing it right!
".. because I dream of a world where rape is finally in the history books."
Somneone needs to tell this lass that men can be raped. Not only can men be raped, they are, and should that act produce a chid they can be sued for child support maintenance. Rape is not a feminism issue. In fact, female rape victims actually are better off than male ones.
".. because because people of all sexes, sexualities and genders deserve equal rights and freedom from the fear of violence."
Someone else getting it right.
".. because experience with livestock DOES NOT translate to women’s reproductive health!"
OK, I'll admit it, I don't understand this one at all

I really could go on forever with these, therhe's a wealth of them across the intenet, but hopefully this little crossection has illustrated my point.

In short, don't lebel yourself in to a group then expect to be treated like everyone else, just go out there and be human, and treat everyone else like humans.

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